Category Archives: Uncategorized
Unreasonable Attorney’s Fees
My subject title may be redundant but anyone interested in attorney’s fees and overbilling should read this: I have to call out the Firm memo at end of the article. Simply put, it is not good. In addition … Continue reading
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Nice to meet you, reality.
Last week I experienced a Monty Python moment and, again, was faced with one of the odd truths of state practice. Here’s what happened: I filed a motion to vacate a default judgment on the basis that service was improper … Continue reading
NFL Timeline
This is a decent recap of events: I meant to put one together earlier but I was just too busy. Also, I’m still trying to carve out time (and space in my head) for a regular contribution to this page.
NFL Labor Dispute Timeline
What a mess. I’m in the process of drafting a timeline on this thing and will post it as soon as the 8th Circuit rules on the stay.
Illinois Rules of Evidence
On January 1, 2011, by Order of the Illinois Supreme Court, Illinois adopted the Illinois Rules of Evidence (IRE). The adoption of the IRE formally codifies statutes, case law and rules that were (naturally) previously spread over several sources. For … Continue reading